on May 20, 2010 at 09:55 AM Petra said:

True, these are the best and most accurate photos to date. Yet I maintain the unique feel, character, atmosphere, whatever you want to call it, of your house defies any two-dimensional approach. Every one of your senses (including your sense of wonder) is required to do it justice. Meaning: don't just look. Book!

on May 25, 2010 at 11:49 PM jedrzej said:

I'm envious - one day I will have a kitchen like that!
As for TV, I'm quite proud to admit that we finally removed ours to utility (it's a rented flat and we simply cannot throw it away) - living room is a much nicer place now!
I have to defend you, though, judging by the photo: the sofa and armchairs are actually aranged for people to sit and talk.

Once again: beautiful room and kitchen, Martin.

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